Vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee , President of the National Federation of industry and Commerce, Wang Qinmin visited Goertek _Leadership Concern_News_Goertek


Leadership Concern

Vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee , President of the National Federation of industry and Commerce, Wang Qinmin visited Goertek

Publisher:Goertek   Issuing Time:2015-04-21   Source:Weifang Federation of Industry and Commerce  

On April 21th, 2015, Vice-Chairman of CPPCC, Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce - Wang Qinmin with his research group (15 people), accompanied by Vice-Chairman of Shandong CPPCC, Chairman of Shandong Federation of Industry and Commerce – Wang Naijing and Vice-Chairman of Shandong Federation of Industry and Commerce Liu Guanfeng, came to Goertek for field investigation. Chairman of Goertek - Jiang Bin reported current situation of "go-out" Plan. Chairman Wang Qinmin praised Goertek for focusing on innovation and investment, technical cooperation and other means to fulfill the "going out" plan.
